Swimming school safety

All our swimming instructors are trained by the Finnish Swimming Education and Lifesaving Association to ensure the safety of operations during our swimming schools. In the case of children’s swimming schools, please note that the guardian must wait with the preschooler until the swimming instructor arrives and be there on time after the swim school has ended to collect the child. School-age children are not allowed to enter the changing rooms until 15 minutes before the start of swimming school and are not allowed to swim without an adult after swimming school. Let’s keep the swimming pool safe together!


You can register for swimming schools conveniently in our online store or at the hall’s customer service. Payment is always made at the time of booking. If you enroll your child, add them to your customer account information at the time of purchase.

Versatile options around Helsinki area

We organize swimming schools in all seven of our swimming halls (Kallio, Kontula, Malmi, Mäkelänrinne, Siltamäki, Töölö and Vuosaari).

We offer swimming schools of different levels for children and adults in three periods: spring, summer and autumn. We organise baby and toddler swimming at our Siltamäki hall. If you need personal guidance, you can also book a private swimming lesson.

What level of swimming school should I choose for my child?

When booking a swimming school for your child, it is important that the swimming school matches your child’s swimming skills. We recommend that you first test your child’s skills and only then choose a course. At the last swim school, you will receive a certificate from the swimming instructor stating which swimming school course the swim instructor will recommend next. You should not proceed to the next swimming school level until the swimming instructor has recommended this in the certificate. If you wish to enrol in a new swimming school before the recommendation in this certificate, please register for the same course level again. We recommend that you only attend every other swim school session so that you have time to know about a suitable swim school group before registering. In this case, there is a break of a couple of months between swimming lessons, which gives the child time to develop their skills.

View our swimming school selection


Spring term

  • January–March (registrations begin in November)
    March–May (registrations begin in February)

Summer term

  • June–July (registrations begin in March)

Autumn term

  • August–October (registrations begin in May)
    October–December (registrations begin in September)

Our swimming schools have 8 lessons, 1 session per week (exceptions may occur on public holidays and holidays). We also organize intensive courses (varying duration), as well as one-time themed classes throughout the year. 

When do registrations start?

We inform about the registration times for swimming schools at the halls, on our swimming school website, in our newsletter and on social media.


  • Come to swimming school on time. Schoolchildren without a parent are not allowed to enter the swimming hall more than 15 minutes before the start of swimming school.
  • When you arrive, report to the customer service personnel each time by telling them your name
  • School-age children go to the dressing rooms appointed to their sex
  • The swimming teacher will greet school-aged children and adults at the pool.
  • The swimming teacher will greet preschoolers at the dressing room entrance and look after them in the shower facilities. A group dressing room is used at Vuosaari Sports Hall, where parents make sure that the children wash themselves.
  • Remember to arrive no later than five minutes before the lesson is scheduled to begin.
  • If you come swimming for the duration of your child’s swimming school, a reduced swimming fee of 5 € or the normal swimming fee for a member of the discount group must be paid. You may also wait for you child in the dressing room.
  • Bring your swimsuit, towel, board cloth and toiletries.
  • Always wash thoroughly before entering the pool.
  • Always go to the sauna without a swimsuit.
  • Take care of toilet visits before entering the pool (and before washing). If you need to go to the toilet during swimming school, tell your teacher before leaving the pool.
  • You are never allowed to run in the swimming pool area – the floors are slippery!
  • The use of a swimming cap and swimming goggles is recommended.
  • Long hair should be tied up (this will also make bathing easier).
  • Candy and gym are prohibited in the pool.
  • We hope that parents will either stay in the changing rooms or use the time for their own swimming during swimming lessons.
    • If you want to come to the pool, you must pay a reduced swimming fee of 5€ or the normal swimming fee for a member of the discount group.
    • We also hope that teaching is not followed right next to the teaching pool, so that the student can focus on learning in peace.
  • Your swimming instructor will greet you at the pool at the beginning of the lesson period and will be responsible for you until the end of the lesson time (note: preschoolers, see instructions below).
  • The swimming instructor’s instructions must be followed and he or she must not be disturbed if he or she is still teaching the previous group.

After the last lesson, the swimming instructor will give you a certificate and an assessment of your swimming skills. The assessment also includes the course that the teacher recommends to you next. If you are absent from the last time, the swimming instructor will leave the certificate at the swimming hall’s customer service, where it can be picked up later. The certificates are stored in customer service for about two months.


When you arrive to class, please check in at the hall customer service point.  You always go to the pool only in proper swimwear.

Preschoolers: The parent helps the child put on a swimsuit and makes sure the child is carrying a towel and possibly swimming goggles. 5 minutes before the start of swimming school, the swimming instructor picks up the children from the long corridor at the locker room door and takes them to the shower and the teaching pool. If the parent of a swimming school student is coming to swim himself, the swim pupil can be brought directly to the swimming pool at the start of swimming school and picked up from the pool after the swim school has ended. At the end of swimming school, the swim school teacher uses the children to shower and then returns them to their parents in the same place as when picking them up.

School-ager and adults: Use the locker room for their own gender and come to the pool on their own. Meeting at the lifeguard station at the start of swimming school.

When you come to the swimming school, register with your name at customer service. You always go to the pool only in proper swimwear.

Preschoolers: The parent helps the child put on a swimsuit and makes sure the child is carrying a towel and possibly swimming goggles. 5 minutes before the start of swimming school, the swimming instructor picks up the children from the corridor outside the changing room and takes them to the shower and pool. If the parent of a swimming school student is coming to swim himself, the swim school student can be brought directly to the pool when swimming school begins. At the end of swimming school, the swim school teacher uses the children to shower and then returns them to their parents in the same place as when picking them up.

School-agers and adults: Use the locker room for their own gender and come to the pool on their own. Meeting at the lifeguard station at the start of swimming school.

When you come to the swimming school, register with your name at customer service. You always go to the pool only in proper swimwear.

Preschoolers: The parent helps the child put on a swimsuit and makes sure the child is carrying a towel and possibly swimming goggles. The swimming instructor picks up the children 5 minutes before the start of swimming school in front of the café and takes them to the shower and pool. If the parent of a swimming school student is coming to swim himself, the swim school student can be brought directly to the pool when swimming school begins. After the end of swimming school, the swim school teacher uses the children to take a shower, and then returns them to their parents in the cafeteria.

School-agers and adults: Use the locker room for their own gender and come to the pool on their own. Meeting at the lifeguard station at the start of swimming school.

When you come to the swimming school, register with your name at customer service. You always go to the pool only in proper swimwear.

Preschoolers: The parent helps the child put on a swimsuit and makes sure the child is carrying a towel and possibly swimming goggles. The swimming instructor picks up the children 5 minutes before the start of swimming school in the area between the changing rooms on the lobby side and takes them to the shower and pool. If the parent of a swimming school student is coming to swim himself, the swim school student can be brought directly to the pool when swimming school begins. At the end of swimming school, the swim school teacher uses the children to take a shower, and then returns them to their parents where the retrieval took place.

School-agers and adults: Use the locker room for their own gender and come to the pool on their own. Meeting on the benches next to the lifeguard station at the start of swimming school.

When you come to the swimming school, register with your name at customer service. You always go to the pool only in proper swimwear.

Read baby swimming info

Preschoolers: The parent helps the child put on a swimsuit and makes sure the child is carrying a towel and possibly swimming goggles. The swimming instructor picks up the children 5 minutes before the start of swimming school in the lobby and takes them to the shower and pool. If the parent of a swimming school student is coming to swim himself, the swim school student can be brought directly to the pool when swimming school begins. At the end of swimming school, the swim school teacher uses the children to shower and then returns them to their parents in the lobby.

School-agers and adults: Use the locker room for their own gender and come to the pool on their own. Meeting at the shallow end of the big pool at the start of swimming school.

When you come to the swimming school, register with your name at customer service. You always go to the pool only in proper swimwear.

Preschoolers: The parent helps the child put on a swimsuit and makes sure the child is carrying a towel and possibly swimming goggles. The swimming instructor picks up the children 5 minutes before the start of swimming school in the upper corridor in front of the changing rooms and takes them to the shower and pool. If the parent of a swimming school student is coming to swim himself, the swim school student can be brought directly to the pool when swimming school begins. At the end of swimming school, the swim school teacher uses the children to shower and then returns them to their parents in the same place as when picking them up.

School-agers and adults: Use the locker room for their own gender and come to the pool on their own. Meeting at the teaching pool or track 4 at the start of swimming school.

When you come to the swimming school, register with your name at customer service. You always go to the pool only in proper swimwear.

Preschoolers: Customer service will inform you which group dressing room is available to you. The swimming instructor picks up the children from the group changing rooms before the start of swimming school and takes them to the pool. After swimming school, the children are returned to the shower area in the group dressing room. If the parent is also coming to swim, the children can be brought directly to the teaching pool.

School-agers and adults: Use the locker room for their own gender and come to the pool on their own. Meeting at the lifeguard station (pool area 2) at the start of swimming school.


The purpose of baby swimming is to accustom the child to the water and support the development of the child in his or her first years. In baby swimming, the child is not taught to swim, but baby swimming supports learning to swim later. All children are individuals and develop at their own pace, so the guidance takes place with respect for the will and pace of development of each child.

The price of baby swimming includes the participation of the child and 1–2 adults in the class. So, it is enough to have only one adult involved, but at least one must come to the pool with the baby each time. The adult accompanying the baby may change during the course, that is, instead of parents, grandparents, for example, may be involved.

It is a good idea to schedule the child’s meals 1-1.5 h before swimming. In this case, the risk of regurgitation in the pool is reduced, but the child is still able to participate in baby swimming.

If you are ill, you should not go into the pool because of the risk of infection and to prevent sequelae.

Also pay attention to a sufficiently long recovery period. Unfortunately, we will not compensate for any absences. In case of long illnesses, you can contact nea.teponoja@urheiluhallit.fi (a medical certificate is required).

You will need to bring swimwear and towels for the child and adults. For the child, we recommend wearing a swim diaper, as well as a full-body swimsuit that makes it easier to handle the baby in the pool.

There are some loan basket carriers and treatment trays in the hall, but you can also take your own with you if you wish. Basket carriers are convenient in the shower area so that you can lower the baby down for the duration of your own washing. The stroller should be left outside, as our space is very limited. If you wish, please bring your own lock and rain cover for the stroller.

It is advisable to arrive at the swimming hall about 15 minutes before the start of the lesson. When entering the hall, register with your name at the swimming hall customer service point. You can go to the children’s pool next to the teaching pool about five minutes before the start of the class, which avoids congestion in the washrooms when the shift changes. After the class, exit directly to the washing facilities.

Before baby swimming, careful washing is very important! You should take a shower without swimwear and wash off any makeup and hair styling products. Rinse your hair, put on a swimming cap or tie up long hair. All jewelry, including earrings, watches, rings, and activity trackers, should be removed before entering the pool. Following the hygiene guidelines will help keep the bathing water clean and as low chlorine as possible, which is important for babies.

We advise that you go to the sauna only after swimming, so that the child does not catch a cold during swimming due to large temperature fluctuations. You can only go to the sauna without a swimsuit, and if there are children under the age of one in the sauna, it is prohibited to cast water on the stove.

Especially in the first few baby swimming lessons, the child may not be able to spend half an hour swimming. It’s a good idea to leave the pool earlier if the child is tired or hungry. If the child is crying during swimming, you can try calming him/ her down in the shower area or in the small pool.

For more information, you can ask by e-mail nea.teponoja(at)urheiluhallit.fi