Find your own favorites among more than 40 class options.

Class selection varies from hall to hall. Book a class below.

New customer: view our group exercise customer info



Check out our whole group exercise class selection!


Muscle strength training is the best way to keep your muscles in shape. That's why it's worth venturing into muscle training classes regardless of age.


In endurance and martial arts classes, you get to show and use all your energy .


In endurance and martial arts classes, you get to show and use all your energy .


Combination classes offer versatile and effective training, where you get a challenge for the whole body in the same package!


Dance classes are suitable for everyone for whom music, rhythm and self-expression are important.


An aerobics class with basic step routines.


The classes give you the recovery you want, as well as mobility, coordination and core training in the same package.


During classes, the resistance of the water gives extra power to the movements!


Parents get an effective workout while the children either participate in the movements as resistance or play and do things next to them.


Exercise for a parent and child.


Customer's favorite classes!


* – Classes marked with an asterisk are for those who like lighter exercise.

(hot) – Hot marked classes are held on the Mäkelänrinne pool platform at a temperature of about +30–32 degrees.


You will have access to the group exercise services of our eight sports halls: Kallio, Kontula, Malmi, Mäkelänrinne, Pasila, Siltamäki, Töölö and Vuosaari. Group exercise cards are valid at all our locations.

The age limit for group exercise is 15.

View group exercise prices

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View opening hours

After class, you can go swimming and visit the sauna. No swimming opportunities at our Pasila location.

Come and try out our various group exercise classes and find your own favorites from over 40 different class options.

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Buying group exercise services and booking classes is easy in our web store!

To buy online, you need a customer account. When you get a customer card, you can easily get in directly through the gates without queuing separately at the checkout. For multi-visit and monthly services, the customer card (value 4 €) is included in the price for a new customer. You can get the customer card from the hall’s customer service. The first time you visit the service, you will need to bring your ID. If you lose your customer card, you must buy a new customer card for 4 €.

Web store


  • You can make bookings for group exercise classes at our customer service point, by calling or via our online booking system or app. You can also browse classes without logging in.
  • You can make bookings online if you have a customer account with a user password, and valid single, multi-visit, or monthly card for group exercise or a Supercard, and if there is room in the class (buy services from the customer service points of the halls, web store and app).
  • You can make bookings for 11 classes up to two (2) weeks ahead (15 days) via our online booking system. If you do not yet have your own user password to the booking system, you must first register as a customer.
  • Note! If you already have an existing customer account or cannot remember your user password, do not register again. Confirm your account status from our customer service or order a new password in the Log in -section.
  • You can also make individual bookings by phone or at the customer service point (not via email) without pre-purchasing a group exercise service. You can make bookings up to two (2) weeks ahead (15 days), a total of three classes per booking. To make the booking, you must have an existing customer account.
  • Pensioners can book a regular spot for classes marked with a star * that start between 8.30 am–2.30 pm during weekdays. A 10-visit group exercise card allows one regular class booking per season (fall or spring), a 20-visit card allows two. Monthly card holders can book up to three regular spots for their card’s duration (1–6 months). Pensioner can also book a regular spot for water exercise classes (not for Hydrobic). Hall customer service makes the regular spot bookings (call or visit the customer service).
  • If you are unable to attend a group exercise class that you have booked, cancel the booking well in advance by calling or via our online booking system (not by e-mail). Cancellations should be made no later than three (3) hours before the class begins.
  • You will receive a confirmation email about a successful group exercise class cancellation.
  • We will charge a visit (multi-visit cards) or a day (monthly cards) from your card for all uncancelled bookings. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail from this charge. If the charge is unwarranted, please contact our customer service
  • If the class is full, you can register for a place in the queue. Registration for a place in the queue is binding. When a place becomes available, the first person in the queue is automatically moved to the class participant list. We will send a confirmation email from this transaction to the email address you have on your customer account.
  • The queue closes 3 hours before the class starts, after which it is not possible to get a place in the class from the queue. If you cannot attend the class, please cancel the queue place before the queue closes. Queue places are included in the class booking quota (11 classes/15 days).
  • You can access through the entrance gate no earlier than 45 min (at Siltamäki 30 min) before the class starts. If you are a day card holder, you must check in at the customer service point if you arrive to class earlier than 8.30 am. At Töölö, always check-in at the self-service terminal or at the customer service point.
  • Please arrive no later than 10 minutes before the class starts. Otherwise you might forfeit your booking to the next customer on queue.
  • If you are at the entrance gate less than 10 minutes before the class starts, please check in at the self-service terminal or customer service point.
  • If the class has already begun, you cannot pass through the entrance gate anymore.
  • If you have a single booking and only one group exercise service on your card, the entrance gate will check you in (except at Töölö, where you must always check-in at the self-service terminal or at the customer service point).
  • If you have made several consecutive bookings, please check in to all of them at the self-service terminal or at the customer service point.
  • If you have other services on your card (i.e. gym), always check in at the self-service terminal or at the customer service point.
  • If you have purchased a supercard, always check in at the self-service terminal or at the customer service point.
  • Our customer service personnel will instruct you on how to use the self-service terminal.