Services | Group exercise | Water exercise lovers | Virtual water exercise
Water exercise classes with various themes to the beat of music. The instructions for the lessons come from a large screen, where it is easy to follow the movements. A virtual instructor guides you to do the movements correctly and encourages you to do them effectively.
N.B! These scheduled classes are held only at our Töölö hall for group exercise card holders and for swimming and gym card holders for an additional fee of 2 €. The classes must be booked in advance from the web store or customer service.
Watch the class introduction video.
At Kontula, Malmi and Vuosaari, you can do virtual water workouts on your own, whenever it suits you. The training instructions are subtitled, otherwise the program is silent. Read more here.
An athletic heart rate workout that develops endurance and agility, where the heart rate is increased through running, jumps, kicks and intervals.
Heart rate and muscle endurance exercises done as circuit training at your own pace against time.
A simple but effective combination of aerobic training, strengthening the core and improving mobility.
A coordination-challenging choreographic and dance water workout to the beat of inspiring music.
A fast-paced water workout that is a combination mix of the most popular Hydrohex programs.